Boosted Image Performance and Life Span
The 4-LED light source enables multi-spectrum and multi-mode imaging. Its versatility not only allows a superior brightness under the White Light mode, but also an uncompromised illumination under chromoendoscopy modes SFI1 and VIST2, where the vascular color contrast and mucosal structure are greatly enhanced.
Also,The 4-LED light source comes with an extended life span. Enjoy the reliable brightness for much longer before thinking about bulb replacement.
1SFI: Spectral Focused Imaging
2VIST: Versatile Intelligent Staining Technology
SonoScape Medical Corp. stands as a prominent innovator in medical technology, specializing in ultrasound medical imaging, endoscopic diagnosis and treatment, minimally invasive surgery (MIS), and cardiovascular intervention solutions. Offering professional medical solutions and support in over 170 countries, SonoScape is driven by a passion for continuous innovation, unlocking life's potential and paving the way for boundless advancements in healthcare.
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